Simulation output

Particle data

Arepo supports various formats for in- and output, which are essentially the same as in Gadget-2. Format 1 and format 2 are binary outputs and the main reason why they are still supported is to allow the use of initial conditions from well-tested initial condition codes that write one of these formats. For output (or when creating new initial condition generating code), the authors recommend the format 3, which is an HDF5 format. Many of the examples create the initial conditions in HDF5 with the examples/*/ python script.

Fields for the particle data output
Field name Block ID Units Description
Coordinates POS \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a \, h^{-1}\) Comoving position; for cells: position of mesh-generating point
Velocities VEL \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{0.5}\) Velocity
ParticleIDs ID   Unique ID of particle
Masses MASS \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Mass, if not present: header/MassTable
Potential POT \(\text{UnitVelocity}^2\) \(a^{-1}\) Gravitational potential energy (OUTPUTPOTENTIAL)
InternalEnergy U \(\text{UnitVelocity}^2\) Specific internal energy
Density RHO \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}^{-3}\) \(a^{-3} \, h^2\) Density of gas
Pressure PRES \(\text{UnitLength}^{-3}\) \(\text{UnitMass}^1\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}^2\) \(a^{-3} \, h^2\) Thermal pressure of gas (OUTPUT_PRESSURE)
SoundSpeed CSND \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) Effective sound speed of both thermal and magnetic component (note different a scaling compared to VEL!) (OUTPUT_CSND)
ElectronAbundance NE   Electron number density relative to hydrogen (COOLING)
NeutralHydrogenAbundance NH   Neutral hydrogen fraction (COOLING)
StarFormationRate SFR \(\text{Msun} \, \text{yr}^{-1}\) Star formation rate (USE_SFR)
VelocityDivergence DIVV \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(\text{UnitLength}^{-1}\) \(h\) Velocity divergence SUM(w*area)/Volume(OUTPUT_DIVVEL)
VelocityCurl ROTV \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(\text{UnitLength}^{-1}\) \(h\) Rotation of velocity, proper velocity incl. Hubble flow, gradient with respect to comoving coordinates(OUTPUT_CURLVEL)
CoolingHeatingEnergy COHE \(\text{UnitLength}^{-1}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}^3\) \(\text{UnitMass}\) Actual cooling rate, differing from nominal cooling rate in star forming cells (OUTPUT_COOLHEAT)
SurfaceArea AREA \(\text{UnitLength}^2\) \(a^2 \, h^{-2}\) Surface area of a Voronoi cell (OUTPUT_SURFACE_AREA)
NumFacesCell NFAC   Number of faces of a Voronoi cell (OUTPUT_SURFACE_AREA)
CoolingRate COOR \(\text{erg} \, \text{cm}^3 \, \text{s}^{-1}\) The cooling rate of a gas cell (e.g. Lambda_net/n_H^2). (OUTPUTCOOLRATE)
Vorticity VORT \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(\text{UnitLength}^{-1}\) \(h\) Vorticity of a cell (OUTPUT_VORTICITY)
PressureGradient GRAP \(\text{UnitLength}^{-4}\) \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}^2\) \(a^{-4} \, h^3\) Gradient of the pressure (limited) (OUTPUT_PRESSURE_GRADIENT)
DensityGradient GRAR \(\text{UnitLength}^{-4}\) \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(a^{-4} \, h^3\) Gradient of the density (limited) (OUTPUT_DENSITY_GRADIENT)
VelocityGradient GRAV \(\text{UnitLength}^{-1}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}^1\) \(h\) Gradient of the velocity (limited), proper velocity incl. Hubble flow, gradient wrt comoving coord. (OUTPUT_VELOCITY_GRADIENT)
BfieldGradient GRAB \(\text{UnitMass}^{0.5}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(\text{UnitLength}^{-5/2}\) \(h^2 \, a^{-3}\) Gradient of the magnetic field (limited) (OUTPUT_BFIELD_GRADIENT)
Volume VOL \(\text{UnitLength}^3\) \(a^3 \, h^{-3}\) (comoving) volume of gas cell. Can be calculated by Masses / Density. (OUTPUT_VOLUME)
VertexVelocity VEVE \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^1\) velocity of the mesh-generating point (OUTPUT_VERTEX_VELOCITY)
MaxFaceAngle FACA   Maximum face angle of cell, quantifies roundness (OUTPUT_MESH_FACE_ANGLE)
CenterOfMass CMCE \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a^1 \, h^{-1}\) Center of mass of cell. Generally not equal to position of mesh generating point POS (OUTPUT_CENTER_OF_MASS)
task TASK   MPI task this particle is at (OUTPUT_TASK)
TimebinHydro TBH   Time bin the cell is at (OUTPUT_TIMEBIN_HYDRO)
TimeStep TSTP \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}^{-1}\) \(h^{-1}\) Timestep in code units (OUTPUTTIMESTEP)
Acceleration ACCE \(\text{UnitVelocity}^2\) \(\text{UnitLength}^{-1}\) \(a^{-1} \, h\) Acceleration due to gravitational forces, including external potential; different a scaling than internally!(OUTPUTACCELERATION)
Softenings SOFT \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a \, h^{-1}\) Gravitational softening length of particle/cell (OUTPUT_SOFTENINGS)
GravityInteractions GINT   Number of force calculations in tree (OUTPUTGRAVINTERACTIONS)
MagneticField BFLD \(\text{UnitLength}^{-1.5}\) \(\text{UnitMass}^{0.5}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h \, a^{-2}\) Magnetic field (in code units but Gauss system; note that internally, the Heaviside-Lorentz system is used) (MHD)
MagneticFieldDivergence DIVB \(\text{UnitLength}^{-2.5}\) \(\text{UnitMass}^{0.5}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^2 \, a^{-3}\) Divergence of magnetic field (MHD)
PassiveScalars PASS   Mass fraction of passive scalar quantity in cell (PASSIVE_SCALARS)
SubfindDensity SFDE \(\text{UnitLength}^{-3}\) \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(a^{-3} \, h^2\) density around particle (SPH like estimate) (SAVE_HSML_IN_SNAPSHOT)
SubfindDMDensity SFDD \(\text{UnitLength}^{-3}\) \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(a^{-3} \, h^2\) dark matter density around particle (SPH like estimate) (SAVE_HSML_IN_SNAPSHOT)
SubfindHsml SFHS \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a \, h^{-1}\) SPH smoothing length for density estimate (SAVE_HSML_IN_SNAPSHOT)
SubfindVelDisp SFVD \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) SPH averaged velocity dispersion around particle (SAVE_HSML_IN_SNAPSHOT)
GroupNr GROU   Number of nearest group (FOF_FUZZ_SORT_BY_NEAREST_GROUP=1)
HighResGasMass HRGM \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Conserved scalar quantity flaging the high-res region of a cosmological zoom simulation (REFINEMENT_HIGH_RES_GAS)
AllowRefinement REF   Is refinement allowed in gas cell. 0 for low-resolution region gas cells in zoom simulations (REFINEMENT_HIGH_RES_GAS)

Format 1

Format 1 is organized in blocks, each holding information about all particles for a specific property. The first block is the header, containing global information about the particle set. Within the other blocks, particles are ordered according to their particle type.

For a more detailed description of this file format, see the Gadget-2 user guide (

Format 2

Format 2 is a variant of format 1, but containing an additional 4-character string at the beginning of each block (called Block ID in table). This way, it is possible to read the snapshot without having detailed information about all settings that were active in the code that produced this output.

Format 3 / HDF5

Format 3 is the by now recommended format, based on the hdf5 library. The particle data output consists of hdf5 groups called PartTypeX where X runs from 0 to NTYPES-1 (NTYPES=6 if not set in Config-file). Each of these hdf5 groups has a number of datasets with properties belonging to this particular particle type, e.g. Coordinates for the position of particles. These are in general 2d arrays, where the first dimension represents the different particles, while the second dimension is the dimensionality of the specific property (e.g. for Coordinates, every particle has 3 entries, its x, y and z coordinate). Consequently, for scalar quantities, the array is just one dimensional.

In addition to the particle types, each file has an hdf5 group called Header, with general information about the simulation and this file in particular. These informations are stored in hdf5 attributes within the header group.

To facilitate the use of the snapshot, the compile time settings are also stored in the snapshots, saved as attributes in the group Config, as well as the parameter settings in the group Parameters. To be sure it is however advisable to check the ./build/arepoconfig.h and the ./output/parameters-usedvalues files for the compile time and run-time variables of a given simulation.


The halo and subhalo finder produces a separate output file, summarizing the properties determined by the on the fly analysis. These run immediately before every simulation output, and also sort the particles in the particle data output according to group membership, subhalo membership and binding energy.

The (sub)halo output files have two hdf5 groups containing halo data, called Group, for the properties of groups (identified by the Friend-of-Friends algorithm), and Subhalo, for substructures in groups.

Halo fields in group catalogue files
Group field name Block ID Units Description
GroupLen FLEN   Number of particles/cells in group
GroupMass FMAS \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Sum of masses of all particles in group
GroupPos FPOS \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a \, h^{-1}\) Position of the most bound particle in group
GroupCM FGCM \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a \, h^{-1}\) Position of center of mass of group
GroupVel FVEL \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-1}\) Velocity of the group, computed as the sum of the mass weighted velocities of all particles/cells in this group, of all types.
GroupLenType FLTY   Number of particles of given type in group
GroupMassType FMTY \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Sum of particle masses of given type
GroupSFR FSFR \(\text{Msun}\) \(\text{yr}^{-1}\) Cumulative star formation rate of all gas cells in group
Group_M_Mean200 FMM2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Total mass within a sphere with mean density of 200 times the mean density of the Universe.
Group_R_Mean200 FRM2 \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a \, h^{-1}\) Radius of sphere corresponding to Group_M_Mean200
Group_M_Crit200 FMC2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Total mass within a sphere around GroupPos with mean density of 200 times the critical density of the Universe.
Group_R_Crit200 FRC2 \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a \, h^{-1}\) Radius of sphere corresponding to Group_M_Crit200
Group_M_Crit500 FMC5 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Total mass within a sphere around GroupPos with mean density of 500 times the critical density of the Universe.
Group_R_Crit500 FRC5 \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a \, h^{-1}\) Radius of sphere corresponding to Group_M_Crit500
Group_M_TopHat200 FMT2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Total mass within a sphere around GroupPos with mean density having a specific fraction of the mean density of the Universe.
Group_R_TopHat200 FRT2 \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a \, h^{-1}\) Radius of sphere corresponding to Group_M_TopHat200
GroupNsubs FNSH   Number of subhalos identified in this group
GroupFirstSub FFSH   (Global) index of first subhalo in this group. -1 if there are none.
GroupFuzzOffsetType FUOF   Particle offset (for each type) of fuzzy particles.

Subhalo fields in group catalogue files
Subhalo field name Block-ID Units Description
SubhaloLen SLEN   Total number of particles/cells in this subhalo
SubhaloMass SMAS \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Total mass of all particles in this subhalo, child subhalos not included
SubhaloPos SPOS \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a \, h^{-1}\) Position of most bound particle in subhalo
SubhaloVel SVEL \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) Physical velocity of subhalo
SubhaloLenType SLTY   Number of particle of each type in a subhalo
SubhaloMassType SMTY \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Mass of each particle type in a subhalo
SubhaloCM SCMP \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a \, h^{-1}\) Center of mass of subhalo
SubhaloSpin SSPI \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-1}\) Total spin in each coordinate axis from all subhalo particles/cells
SubhaloVelDisp SVDI \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) 1d velocity dispersion
SubhaloVmax SVMX \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) Maximum circular velocity
SubhaloVmaxRad SVRX \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a\) \(h^{-1}\) Radius of maximum circular velocity
SubhaloHalfmassRad SHMR \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a\) \(h^{-1}\) Radius containing half the mass of the subhalo
SubhaloHalfmassRadType SHMT \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(a\) \(h^{-1}\) Radius containing half the mass of a given type of particles in the subhalo
SubhaloMassInRad SMIR \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Sum of all particle masses enclosed in a sphere with twice the part4 (i.e. stellar) half mass radius
SubhaloMassInHalfRad SMIH \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Sum of all particle masses enclosed in a sphere with the part4 (i.e. stellar) half mass radius
SubhaloMassInMaxRad SMIM \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Sum of all particle masses enclosed in a sphere with radius SubhaloVmaxRad
SubhaloMassInRadType SMIT \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Sum of particle masses of specific type particles enclosed in a sphere with twice the part4 (i.e. stellar) half mass radius
SubhaloMassInHalfRadType SMHT \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Sum of particle masses of specific type particles enclosed in a sphere with the part4 (i.e. stellar) half mass radius
SubhaloMassInMaxRadType SMMT \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Sum of particle masses of specific type particles enclosed in a sphere with radius SubhaloVmaxRad
SubhaloIDMostbound SIDM   The ID of the most bound particle
SubhaloGrNr SGNR   Global index of the (FoF) group this subhalo belongs to
SubhaloParent SPRT   Index of a potential parent subhalo this subhalo is part of
SubhaloBfldHalo BFDH \(\text{UnitMass}^{0.5}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(\text{UnitLength}^{-1.5}\) \(h \, a^{-2}\) Volume averaged magnetic field strength in subhalo (Gauss unit system, not Heaviside-Lorentz)
SubhaloBfldDisk BFDD \(\text{UnitMass}^{0.5}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(\text{UnitLength}^{-1.5}\) \(h \, a^{-2}\) Volume averaged magnetic field strength within twice the stellar half mass radius (Gauss unit system, not Heaviside-Lorentz)
SubhaloSFR SSFR \(\text{Msun} \, \text{yr}^{-1}\) Sum of star formation rates of all gas cells in the subhalo
SubhaloSFRinRad SSFI \(\text{Msun} \, \text{yr}^{-1}\) Sum of star formation rates of all gas cells within twice the stellar half mass radius
SubhaloSFRinHalfRad SSFH \(\text{Msun} \, \text{yr}^{-1}\) Sum of star formation rates of all gas cells within the stellar half mass radius
SubhaloSFRinMaxRad SSFM \(\text{Msun} \, \text{yr}^{-1}\) Sum of star formation rates of all gas cells within a sphere with radius SubhaloVmaxRad
ID PIDS   Particle IDs in subhalo

Additional group fields that are calculated when SUBFIND_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES is set
Group field name Block ID Units Description
Group_J_Mean200 FJM2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of all particles in group within Group_R_Mean200
Group_Jdm_Mean200 JDM2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of dark matter particles in group within Group_R_Mean200
Group_Jgas_Mean200 JGM2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of gas particles in group within Group_R_Mean200
Group_Jstars_Mean200 JSM2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of star matter particles in group within Group_R_Mean200
Group_MassType_Mean200 MTM2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Total mass of group for each particle type within Group_R_Mean200
Group_LenType_Mean200 LTM2   Total number of particles for each particle type within Group_R_Mean200
Group_CMFrac_Mean200 CFM2   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles within Group_R_Mean200
Group_CMFracType_Mean200 FTM2   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles within Group_R_Mean200 for each type
Group_J_Crit200 FJC2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of all particles in group within Group_R_Crit200
Group_Jdm_Crit200 JDC2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of dark matter particles in group within Group_R_Crit200
Group_Jgas_Crit200 JGC2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of gas particles in group within Group_R_Crit200
Group_Jstars_Crit200 JSC2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of star particles in group within Group_R_Crit200
Group_MassType_Crit200 MTC2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Total mass of group for each particle type within Group_R_Crit200
Group_LenType_Crit200 LTC2   Total number of particles for each particle type within Group_R_Crit200
Group_CMFrac_Crit200 CFC2   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles within Group_R_Crit200
Group_CMFracType_Crit200 FTC2   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles within Group_R_Crit200 for each type
Group_J_Crit500 FJC5 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of all particles in group within Group_R_Crit500
Group_Jdm_Crit500 JDC5 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of dark matter particles in group within Group_R_Crit500
Group_Jgas_Crit500 JGC5 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of gas particles in group within Group_R_Crit500
Group_Jstars_Crit500 JSC5 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of star particles in group within Group_R_Crit500
Group_MassType_Crit500 MTC5 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Total mass of group for each particle type within Group_R_Crit500
Group_LenType_Crit500 LTC5   Total number of particles for each particle type within Group_R_Crit500
Group_CMFrac_Crit500 CFC5   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles within Group_R_Crit500
Group_CMFracType_Crit500 FTC5   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles within Group_R_Crit500 for each type
Group_J_TopHat200 FJT2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of all particles in group within Group_R_TopHat200
Group_Jdm_TopHat200 JDT2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of dark matter particles in group within Group_R_TopHat200
Group_Jgas_TopHat200 JGT2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of gas particles in group within Group_R_TopHat200
Group_Jstars_TopHat200 JST2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of star particles in group within Group_R_TopHat200
Group_MassType_TopHat200 MTT2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(h^{-1}\) Total mass of group for each particle type within Group_R_TopHat200
Group_LenType_TopHat200 LTT2   Total number of particles for each particle type within Group_R_TopHat200
Group_CMFrac_TopHat200 CFT2   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles within Group_R_TopHat200
Group_CMFracType_TopHat200 FTT2   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles within Group_R_TopHat200 for each type
Group_Epot_Crit200 EPO1 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total potential energy of particles within Group_R_Crit200
Group_Ekin_Crit200 EKI1 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total kinetic energy of particles within Group_R_Crit200
Group_Ethr_Crit200 ETH1 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total thermal energy of particles within Group_R_Crit200
Group_Epot_Mean200 EPO2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total potential energy of particles within Group_R_Mean200
Group_Ekin_Mean200 EKI2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total kinetic energy of particles within Group_R_Mean200
Group_Ethr_Mean200 ETH2 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total thermal energy of particles within Group_R_Mean200
Group_Epot_TopHat200 EPO3 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total potential energy of particles within Group_R_TopHat200
Group_Ekin_TopHat200 EKI3 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total kinetic energy of particles within Group_R_TopHat200
Group_Ethr_TopHat200 ETH3 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total thermal energy of particles within Group_R_TopHat200
Group_Epot_Crit500 EPO4 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total potential energy of particles within Group_R_Crit500
Group_Ekin_Crit500 EKI4 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total kinetic energy of particles within Group_R_Crit500
Group_Ethr_Crit500 ETH4 \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total thermal energy of particles within Group_R_Crit500
Group_J FOFJ \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity} \, h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of all particles in fof-group
Group_Jdm FOJD \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity} \, h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of all dark matter particles in fof-group
Group_Jgas FOJG \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity} h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of all gas cells in fof-group
Group_Jstars FOJS \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity} \, h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of all stars in fof-group
Group_CMFrac FOCF   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles in fof-group
Group_CMFracType FOFT   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles in fof-group for each type
GroupEkin EKIN \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total kinetic energy of all particles in fof-group
GroupEthr ETHR \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total thermal energy of all particles in fof-group
GroupEpot EPOT \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total potential energy of all particles in fof-group

Additional subhalo fields that are calculated when SUBFIND_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES is set
Subhalo field name Block ID Units Description
SubhaloEkin SEKN \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total kinetic energy of all particles in subhalo
SubhaloEthr SETH \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total thermal energy of all particles in subhalo
SubhaloEpot SEPT \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(a^{-2} \, h^{-1}\) Total potential energy of all particles in subhalo
Subhalo_J SUBJ \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of all particles in subhalo
Subhalo_Jdm SJDM \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of dark matter particles in subhalo
Subhalo_Jgas SJGS \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of gas cells in subhalo
Subhalo_Jstars SJST \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of star particles in subhalo
Subhalo_JInHalfRad SJHR \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of all particles in stellar half mass radius
Subhalo_JdmInHalfRad SJDH \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of dark matter particles within stellar half mass radius
Subhalo_JgasInHalfRad SJGH \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of gas cells within stellar half mass radius
Subhalo_JstarsInHalfRad SJSH \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of star particles within stellar half mass radius
Subhalo_JInRad SJMR \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of all particles in sphere with radius twice the stellar half mass radius
Subhalo_JdmInRad SJDR \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of dark matter particles within twice the stellar half mass radius
Subhalo_JgasInRad SJGR \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of gas cells within twice the stellar half mass radius
Subhalo_JstarsInRad SJSR \(\text{UnitMass}\) \(\text{UnitLength}\) \(\text{UnitVelocity}\) \(h^{-2}\) Total angular momentum of star particles within twice the stellar half mass radius
Subhalo_CMFrac SCMF   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles in subhalo
Subhalo_CMFracType SCMT   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles in subhalo for each type
Subhalo_CMFracInHalfRad SCMH   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles within stellar half mass radius
Subhalo_CMFracTypeInHalfRad SCTH   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles within stellar half mass radius for each type
Subhalo_CMFracInRad SCMR   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles in a sphere with twice the stellar half mass radius
Subhalo_CMFracTypeInRad SCTR   Mass fraction of counter-rotating particles in a sphere with twice the stellar half mass radius for each type