
We believe the best way (and the most fun) to familiarise with a new simulation code is to run simulations with it. To make this as easy as possible, Arepo comes with a number of examples that should run with the settings provided.
The only thing you need to do is to make sure the necessary libraries (mpi, gsl, possibly fftw, hdf5 and hwloc) are installed on your system.

Getting the code

Arepo is available in a  git repository hosted on MPCDF gitlab. The easiest way to get it is by cloning it from the repository

git clone

User guide

The user guide is included in the repository under the subdirectory documentation. This directory contains the user guide in a markdown-like fashion, compatable with sphinx. In principle this is readable with any text editor, however, it was optimised for sphinx. Change to the root directory to build an html version of the user guide using
cd ./documentation/
make html
A complete version of the user guide can also be found as a wiki in the code’s repository under

Running first simulations

Arepo comes with a number of examples provided in the examples subdirectory. These can be executed by using the shell script
This script, as the name suggests, is used for testing the code, i.e. running a number of small test problems and to verify the simulation output. However, the scripts also provide examples how to set up initial conditions (which are usually not initialised at startup, but setup before running Arepo), and how to read in the output format. The usage of python for this is purely due to the preference of the authors of these tests and is not to be understood as a general recommendation.

Getting help

In case of questions, contact us via email.